Here Are the Top Germ Hotspots At School And How to Protect Your Kids from them!

Last Updated on December 18, 2019

#1 – Germ hotspots at school

First, let’s play detective and find germs!

There is not a place in your kid’s school that is 100% germ-free, but the following areas are notorious for being home to tons of germs which your kids should be extra careful around:

● School toilet: toilet seats, paper towel dispenser handle, bathroom tap, bathroom door handle, towels.

● School gym: all gym equipment, locker rooms, sweaty gym floor, gym mats, etc.

● Classroom: desks, board.

● School library/computer lab: library books, computer keyboard, library tables.

● School bus: the entire bus.
Most kids don’t know the hygiene habits that prevent germs from causing them illnesses, which is all the more reason to ensure that your own kids follow the tips ahead.



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