This Is How You Can Help Your Child Deal with Cyberbullying

Last Updated on November 28, 2019

#1 – What to Do

When Cyberbullying cases take place, parents should be able to know how to react and what to do to help their child through those hard times. Therefore, as soon as news reaches your ear that your child is being harassed and bullied over the internet, you need to take the following measures:

Get some alone time with your child and tell him or her that you love and that you will support him and make a stop to the Cyberbullying through which he or she is suffering. After that, you need to convince your child to step away from their computer or smartphone to mitigate the effects of Cyberbullying.

Of course, Cyberbullying on social media could be one instance of harassment that your child undergoes. Therefore, makes sure to contact the school to make a stop to the bullying that happens on school grounds.



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