8 Parenting Mistakes You Should Avoid


Last Updated on April 5, 2021

© unsplash Raising children is no picnic. The parenting journey has some wonderful moments, and there is no feeling like helping a child turn into a full-blown human being. However, the stakes are high, and the fear of failure is haunting. While there is no bible dedicated to teaching you how to raise good kids, there are some tips you can take from experts to improve your parenting style. Children absorb everything they are exposed to, even if it’s subconsciously. So even if you are pretty sure about your parenting abilities, there are still some mistakes parents can avoid and a few secrets to help raise a well-behaved kid. Keep reading to discover eight parenting tips that will make you a better parent.

1. Never tell your kid that snitching is not right

Telling your child that no one likes a tattletale might seem like a proper way to encourage them to solve their problems by themselves, but it isn’t. Over time, this might cause your child to internalize that keeping secrets from a parent is ok, leading to serious problems in the future. This isn’t just about the attitude of snitching, but it’s about understanding how to raise honest children. And honest children should learn that sharing their feelings, especially those regarding unfair situations, is completely valid. And even though your child’s problems don’t seem all that serious, you should be patient and actively listen to them.

2. Allow them to express their emotions

Raising kids can be hard, and it becomes particularly frustrating when they go around crying, screaming, or even throwing tantrums. But you need to realize that your child is still learning the rules of life. And while a fully-grown person with extended language abilities and analytical capacity can measure their attitudes and choose the best way to express themselves, a child can’t. One of the worst things parents say to a child expressing any strong emotions is “Stop that.” Even though you can’t understand what makes them feel so upset, they are entitled to feel whatever they feel. Telling your kid to bottle up their feelings just because they are embarrassing can leave a huge psychological mark. As adults, they might experience serious difficulties when trying to express themselves. In some serious and extreme cases, this inability to showcase their emotions can develop into serious anger issues or even personality disorders.
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