10 Things You Should and Should Never Do While Pregnant!

Last Updated on February 20, 2020

3. Avoid gaining too much weight during pregnancy

Many pregnant ladies think that they can eat whatever they want whenever they want just because they’re having a baby. But it’s crucial to watch your weight for your health and for your baby’s too. This leads us to an important question: how many calories should a pregnant woman eat? Doctors recommend about 250 extra calories per day, meaning you don’t really need to eat for two!

Weight gain during pregnancy can promote many health problems, plus, it will be more difficult to lose the extra weight after delivery.

It’s best to keep your BMI under 25 before getting pregnant because you’d be expected to gain up to 35 pounds during pregnancy. In case you’re underweight or overweight, discuss with your healthcare provider how much weight you should gain based on your BMI.


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