10 Signs Your Kid Is Lonely!


Last Updated on March 18, 2021

4. Your Kid Exhibits Bothersome Behavior

Does your kid interrupt you at the worst possible times? Do they seem to do bad things to get your attention when you are trying to work or talking to someone else? This might occur because they resent the fact that you deflect your attention towards other people or other things instead of paying attention to them. This behavior can be a reflection of how isolated they feel.

5. Your Kid Is Reclusive

Some kids who feel lonely engage in attention-seeking behaviors as we have seen before, but every kid is different. Some kids, however, can do the exact opposite and even become reclusive. This sign is not easy to read at first, because some children enjoy their alone time, while others feel a deep need for attention and company, but lack the social skills to interact with others.

6. Your Child Lacks Social Skills

This is something really hard to deal with when you are trying to figure out how to help a lonely kid that lacks social skills. You can’t really know if they lack those social skills as a consequence of being lonely or if it’s the other way around, and they are lonely because they have a hard time developing their social skills. Unfortunately, bullying at schools is still pretty common these days, and the kids who are the shyest and that have a hard time making friends are the easiest targets. Look for signs of bullying in your child’s behavior, as this can be what is causing the feelings of stress and social anxiety that are preventing them from becoming more sociable.

7. They Exhibit Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem can be a direct result of loneliness. Children who have a hard time bonding with others are usually more prone to rely on the approval of a third party to define their one value. If they don’t get that validation, they might start questioning their worth. As a parent, it’s your job to teach your kid that they deserve to have friends and to have affection and that their worth is not reflected by the poor behavior of the people they are surrounded with. Build up their confidence and their sense of self-worth – depression in children is a real issue, but you can do everything in your power to prevent it.
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