10 Signs Your Kid Is Lonely!


Last Updated on March 18, 2021

8. They Develop Behavior Problems

Being a lonely kid is not an easy thing to deal with! As a consequence, they can suffer from different behavior problems, like social anxiety, low self-esteem, or becoming even shyer. This can get way worse if their social circle, in this case, their peers, start victimizing and bullying them based on how they act.

9. You Can See That They Are Sad

If loneliness is hurtful for adult people, imagine how it feels for children who can’t even understand what is keeping them from bonding with others and making friends. It is a truly heartbreaking experience to see your child go through something like this, which is why it is so important to get to the bottom of the question and try to work things out.

10. They Tell You They Feel Lonely

There is no space for doubts if your child is the one who comes forward to let you know how they are feeling. They might not use the exact words “I am lonely,” but they can say other things that indicate this feeling, like “why can’t I make any friends?” or “why doesn’t anybody like me?”. If they share their feelings with you, it is a real call for action, and you should help them find a way to cope with these feelings of inadequacy.
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