10 Ways To Help Your Kids Exercise Better!


Last Updated on November 29, 2020

5. Be their role model

You can’t demand anything from your child if you don’t serve as an example for them. So, if you want your kid to engage in physical activity, you should set the standard and practice some form of physical exercise as well. If there is an appropriate activity you two can enjoy together, that is even better. It’s a great way to bond with them and show them how good exercise can be.

6. Play with your children

From an early age, it is super important that you play with your child – it will help you create a closer relationship, develop trust, and it can also be a great way of introducing exercise into their lives. Even little activities like playing hide and seek can be a great way to make your kids move around.

7. Limit their screen time

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a total of 1 to 2 hours of screen time daily, and this includes every electronic device, from the TV to the iPad. If your kids have free time, they should use that time to exercise their body and their brain. It is really important to set boundaries and to have time for everything – of course, they can watch a little bit of television, but they should practice exercise even more.

8. Plan a schedule

Kids’ lives today aren’t all that easy – with school, homework, and extracurricular activities, the truth is that there is not that much time left for exercise. As a parent, it is your job to create a schedule that guarantees that your child is getting a fair amount of activity into their weekly routine – above all, there is a need to find balance if you want your kid to be healthy.

9. Don’t be excessive

It is really important that you pay attention to what your child’s body is trying to tell you – exercise is not supposed to hurt, and if this is the case, it is time for them to slow down or to change to a less demanding activity. Also, it is important to make sure that they are not letting exercise get in the way of school or any other activities because, like we have stated before, being healthy is all about maintaining a balance between every aspect of life.
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