11 Sure Signs Your Child Has Autism


Last Updated on November 18, 2020

8. They can have speech problems

Toddlers learn how to talk by imitating the sounds they hear around them. But children with autism will often start talking much later, and even when they do so, they might speak with an unusual tone of voice. Later in life, it can still be hard for them to engage and maintain a dialogue. They may also have a hard time understanding non-direct communication, like humor, sarcasm, or irony, for example, as they lack communication skills.

9. They will engage in non-verbal communication

Since autistic children have trouble expressing themselves through language, they will find other ways to communicate and to make you understand them. From an early age, they might try to show you what they mean using gestures, or by drawing stuff. Just because they have trouble expressing themselves, it doesn’t mean they lack emotional intelligence autistic kids carry a myriad of worlds within them, and sometimes “normal” people are the ones who have trouble understanding. Because children with autism are slow to develop language and, even after doing so, have trouble expressing themselves, they prefer to use non-verbal communication. They can use both physical and visual tools, like drawings or gestures, to indicate something.

10. They may have trouble interpreting facial expressions

It is a natural reaction for us to display emotions using our faces. But because children with autism can be detached sometimes, they can have a hard time interpreting the meaning behind a certain facial expression. While you can understand their body posture, they can’t do the same, so it is better to be clear and direct when trying to communicate with them.

11. Knowing what are the myths about autism

There are many myths regarding autism, but the main one and probably the most important one is that autistic people don’t crave connections. They are people with feelings with emotions, just like everyone else, and they want affection and attention, even though they have trouble expressing it or asking for it. Children with autism now a lot of love languages that go beyond words, and it’s up to us to learn from them and become better people with bigger hearts and with newly learned ways to love and be loved.
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