9 Dangerous Symptoms Of Child Sickness You Shouldn’t Ignore

Last Updated on October 31, 2020

The number one priority of any parent is their children’s health and well-being. Or at least it should be. It’s a huge responsibility that can cause parents immense stress as it is not always easy to see the warning signs that your kid is sick. There are two major problems. Children don’t know how to communicate their feelings properly, so you can’t quite understand the type and intensity of the pain they’re experiencing. And their immune system is still learning how to fight most pathogens, so they will often be exposed to mild diseases. That’s why parents need to be very vigilant. This doesn’t mean that you should carry your child to the emergency room at the slightest sneeze. But you do need to know how to identify dangerous symptoms. Here are nine s symptoms that you should never ignore in your children!

1. High fever

This has to be the most obvious symptom that warrants a doctor’s visit, right? Well, not really. As we have said, kids are constantly being exposed to new viruses and bacteria. It is normal for them to have a high body temperature from time to time, when their immune systems are trying to eliminate these invading agents. High fever in children only represents a serious health problem in the following situations: Infants under two months: babies this age are extremely vulnerable, and an infection can rapidly escalate and become a serious threat. Temperature does not come down with medicine: or if it lasts for more than five days. The child also has other symptoms: such as trouble breathing (respiratory problems are the fifth most common cause of death in the United Kingdom for children under 14 years old), vomiting, and a stiff neck, for example. These are the circumstances that should lead you to call a doctor immediately.

2. Joint swelling

Physically active children who play a lot of sports may feel their arms and legs aching every once in a while due to the amount of regular exercise they do. However, if that pain is followed by visible swelling of the joints and a fever, you should take your kid to the hospital as soon as possible. These are common symptoms of serious conditions such as sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis.
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