7 Exercises You Need to Absolutely Avoid during Pregnancy!


Last Updated on December 10, 2020

5. Traditional Leg Lifts And Other Moves Require Resting Flat On Your Back

Laying on your back can be dangerous for both you and your baby, even if you do it just for a short time. That’s because this position makes the uterus put extra pressure on the inferior vena cava, which may result in a serious rise in blood pressure and/or preventing blood supply from getting to the fetus. To stay safe, an expectant mom should better avoid all traditional leg lift exercises that require laying down and moving legs up and down, and also any other movement that begins with a flat-on-floor position. If you really cannot quit your favorite workout moves, at least make some modifications or use a wedge or yoga ball so you can workout comfortably and without putting any pressure on the vena cava.

4. Twist exercises

Pregnant ladies should definitely avoid doing quick turns, deep twists, and mind-boggling backbends, especially in the first thirteen weeks. A twist exercise can easily strain the abdominal muscles that are already too busy creating extra space for the expanding uterus. Moreover, such movements can restrict blood flow to the uterus and limit the baby’s space. Not to mention that overstretching can cause injury, especially that the pregnancy-related hormone serge makes the ligaments looser and more relaxed to prepare the body for labor and delivery.

3. Contact sports

Contact sports, like boxing, soccer, football, and basketball are a big no-no during pregnancy. Experts urge pregnant women to stay away from any physical activity that might cause trauma or collision to either the mom or the baby. Contact sports are extremely dangerous because the baby bump can easily get hit by a ball or a body part. As for moms-to-be who are also professional athletes, things might differ because some of them proved that they could still compete and win regardless of their growing baby bump. Amateur athletes and regular people who are expecting a baby should keep in mind that playing sports is just not worth the risk. 2.Any exercise activities where falling is a possibility If you’re expecting a baby, then you should cancel risky holiday activities, weekly physical sports, and even some daily exercises until you give birth. No matter how tempting skiing, snowboarding, and other fun activities can be, your best bet is to go for relaxing activities and comfortable movements, especially after the 20thweek. Any physical sport where you could potentially fall is considered extremely risky during pregnancy. Unlike non-pregnant people, taking a fall while pregnant is linked to a high risk of a spill. Not to mention that pregnancy changes your center of gravity and sense of balance, making such activities even riskier. What’s worse, falling on your abdomen with an extended uterus could make the placenta get separated from the baby, as well as result in premature labor or even a fetal injury.
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