5 Tips On How To Keep Kids Learning At Home!


Last Updated on October 9, 2020

3. Physical Activity

Most kids are used to do regular exercise daily, which is really a great thing! Doing physical activity is not only good for their bodies but also their minds. Exercising increases concentration, happiness, and overall well-being. This is why you, as a parent, should try to make your kid have at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. From doing online dance classes or playing some physical games like Wii Sports, anything that makes their body move and sweat should be enough. If you have a terrace or a garden, jumping rope, running, or playing football are also great options to stay active and get some fresh air.

4. DIY Is Also Learning

From painting a wall to making a new recipe, there are many fun activities that you can convince your kid to do with you, and learn something with it. Even though these are things school usually doesn’t teach our kids, they are important for their future lives. Knowing how to cook, change a light bulb, build IKEA furniture are things that your kid should learn. Making them do these things with you is a great way on how to keep your child busy at home, and the good news is that they’ll be learning something useful. The same goes for creative DIYs. Teaching your kid to reutilize clothing instead of buying more is extremely important. So while you transform his old T-shirt into a new one by painting it or drawing something cool on it, talk to him about how doing so is helping the environment and saving money.

5. To-do lists

Get creative and buy some chalkboard paint. Decide where you’d like to have your board and make your kids paint it! While doing so, explain to them what this board will be, which is a way of remembering what your goals are. Make your kids write some personal goals they have that are related to learning something new. From learning how to play an instrument, learn a new sport, maybe even learn how to read out loud without stuttering. Then, make them read these goals every day, and once they accomplish them, you erase it from the board and add a new one. This a great way on how to help kids stay productive at home since they’ll be face to face with their own goals every day. They won’t be able to ignore them, so they’ll work towards them. Now that you know how to teach kids at home don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Teachers don’t expect you to do their job, but by doing these things listed above, you’ll be creating a healthy environment and schedule for your kid. One thing we are sure of, your kid will be thankful, if not today, someday!
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