6 Parenting Mistakes the Older Child Will Never Ever Forget!


Last Updated on April 10, 2021

3.Changing Family Habits That Your Older Son

used to love The arrival of a new baby in your home should not be used as an excuse to end the family habits that were made to date and that your eldest son loved and used to enjoy. And they can be several: like the habit of reading a story before bedtime, singing songs in the bathtub, watching cartoons after school, brushing your teeth together, among many other habits! Family habits serve to unite and bring all family members closer and not generate communication problems. So, keep the old habits, and why not create new ones where everyone can participate and have fun.

4.Comparing Them To Other Children/Siblings

A child’s life is charming, but it is not always easy because as they grow and evolve in a family and social context, it is natural that they feel the need to affirm their personality. This can lead to numerous conflicts at home, especially when comparing your older child with other children or even with other siblings. So, avoid saying phrases like “Your brother is younger and a lot smarter than you” or “Why don’t you look at the notes of that friend of yours,” among other expressions of the kind. This comparison is seen as a kind of verbal abuse and negatively influences a child’s psychological state, making the relationship with parents tense and unpleasant.

5.Forgetting To Praise Them When They Deserve It

Another fairly common mistake that an older child never forgets is when their parents fail to praise them for something good or right that they have done. The truth is that sincere and true praise at the most appropriate time goes a long way towards forming a child’s personality and self-confidence. It is always easier to criticize and compare a child to others. Still, if you regularly praise your child for their efforts, good behaviors, and so on, you will be automatically contributing to developing a stronger child with a charming personality.

6.Stop Talking Face To Face With Your Child

Parents must develop healthy communication with their children. This will help strengthen the bond, improve learning skills, and improve self-confidence and social interaction. And this is only possible when you hold a face to face conversation with each of your children. This opening gesture will make them feel more important and special because they will feel heard and supported by the most important people in their lives: their parents. Note that your children have different personalities, and sometimes older children have different needs than younger ones. In that regard, you should take individual walks with each of your children and talk to them about everything to show themselves as they are and that they trust you. These are the 6 incredible parenting mistakes the older child will never forget and that you, as a parent, should be prepared for! By knowing these small mistakes well in advance, you will be able to react accordingly: as a caring and exceptional parent.
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