6 Ways You Can Get Rid Of Bad Habits in Children!


Last Updated on November 27, 2020

2. Observe, be patient, and team up with your child

Some habits that children develop are quite spontaneous, and because of that, they won’t even notice what they are doing. Something simple, like sucking on their thumb, for example, can be done unconsciously as a way to self soothe – children do that even before they are born. It’s useless to lash out at your children for something spontaneous or to punish a child for something they do without even noticing. Instead, observe their behavior and try to understand what’s leading them to do whatever it is they are doing, and try to find a replacement that will distract them. Team up with your child and try to get over those annoying habits together.

3. Reward their good behavior

If you wonder how to make your child listen and you think about lecturing them or yelling, you are going the wrong way. The best way to get them to pay attention to you and to get them to learn things is by offering positive encouragement whenever they do something right. They feel good knowing they are making you proud, and if you reward their positive habits with a positive outcome, that will reinforce positive behavior. You can even create a reward system, something simple, like giving them a little star they can glue to the fridge whenever they behave nicely.

4. Create some rules

There is no guide book on how to raise children, but you get to make some rules as to how you raise your own child. Being friendly is important, but it’s also important to be firm and to have rules. And if those rules are broken, there should be appropriate consequences, and “the punishment should fit the crime.” Giving your child a punishment that has nothing to do with what they have done wrong can be confusing for them, and they will create no association between their attitude and the consequences of it.

5. Avoid lashing out

Yelling at children is quite ineffective and usually will only make things worse. Being a parent isn’t always easy, and of course, there will be times when you will lose your temper, but if they can understand what you are saying, they don’t need to be yelled at. If you shame them, yell at them or go on a rant, they will start looking at you as a bully, and in the long run, this can even harm their mental health.
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