8 Ways To Keep Kids Safe At Home When They Are Alone!


Last Updated on December 9, 2020

4. Create Rules And A Checklist For Your Child’s Safety

If you are going to leave your child alone, you need to establish rules about how they should behave when you are absent, and make yourself a checklist to make sure that you have prepared everything regarding your child’s safety. Leave behind a list with useful numbers, your contact, the contact of a close family member, or even the phone number of a neighbor you can trust. Also, leave a note with all the useful emergency numbers. Leave a medical kit somewhere they can easily access it, just in case they need to perform any first aid on themselves. Also, give some electricity safety tips to your child and make sure to apply safety covers on all of your house’s electrical outlets.

5. Keep Dangerous Items At Bay

Kids can be quite curious and naughty, and they will tend to explore around the house when you leave them by themselves. Do not leave sharp objects out, and store all the toxic products away, maybe in a closed cabinet they can’t have access to. You can do the same with other dangerous items like paints, kitchen utensils, and prescription drugs, for example.

6. Teach Your Kids About Safety

As a parent, it’s your job to prepare your kid for life, and this includes even the tiniest details. It would be best if you taught them about safety, especially when you are starting to consider leaving them home alone. Teach them the simplest things, like not opening doors to strangers, not playing with sharp objects, and not leaving the house without your permission and by themselves. Train them for emergencies and practice with them to see if they have an adequate response.

7. Be Sure To Invest In Phone Tracking

In any other context, this would seem a little creepy, but this is your child we are talking about. If they already own a smartphone, it means you can contact them at any time you might need to, but installing a tracking device on your child’s phone is an extra safety measure that can make a difference. This will allow you to find them in an emergency or if they refuse to answer their phone.


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