10 Child Discipline Mistakes Fathers Make All the Time!


Last Updated on November 21, 2020

There is no magical formula on how to raise children, but there are, however, some guidelines on how to discipline your child while maintaining a healthy parent-child relationship. We leave you with a parenting guide on behaviors you should avoid when trying to educate your child. And if you do any of these and refer to it as parenting style, be aware that the experts have a different opinion – they call it bad parenting. Read to learn more!

1. Getting angry

Even though your child might make you crazy sometimes, becoming angry with them and losing your temper are traits of a toxic person and do not contribute to healthy communication. Swearing, raising your voice, and losing control are attitudes that show your child that violent behavior is acceptable, and they will incorporate that. If you want to change your child’s behavior, you should try to reason with them instead of adopting a toxic behavior yourself. Take a minute to cool off and approach your child calmly and within reason – that’s the right way to deal with behavior problems.

2. Physical violence

Punishing your child with physical violence can be considered child abuse, and it also sends the wrong message – it teaches that they can do it to someone else as a way to deal with conflict. This can take a huge toll on your kid’s psychological health. It would be best if you kept in mind that, as a parent, your work is to teach them how to behave and not to enforce those behaviors. Physical punishment is never the answer.

3. Being inconsistent

Your child is learning how to be a person, so you need to keep that in mind when trying to educate them. If, for example, they use a swear word, and you laugh it off, they will tend to do it again. If that second time you ground them, you are sending mixed signals. You should always address the same issues in the same way, to reinforce behavioral patterns. One of the biggest parenting mistakes is to allow certain behaviors inside your house, and then condemn them when you are out in public. Consistency is the key.
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