8 Periods in a Child’s Life That Parents Should Prepare For!


Last Updated on March 28, 2021

3. 7 to 12 Months: Sit and Play Alone

At this very important age, when the baby is on its way to its first year of life, it already begins to develop its strength and autonomy because it starts to sit and play more individually. Of course, it takes time for the child to overcome their initial mistrust and insecurities – they constantly tie themselves to their mother and cry when they have to do something different. An extraordinary trick to increase your baby’s autonomy and confidence is when you walk away from them for a short time, leaving them to play alone in a safe area. So they get used to being alone for a short time in a certain space and feel good about it.

4. 1 to 2 Years: Interact Outside the Home

It is a kind of adulthood for babies, which is when they reach that stage of life when they need to leave home. In this specific situation, the children’s world is about meeting and playing with other children and having all kinds of new social experiences outside the home. At this stage, the baby has a lot of tantrums, and this is something that you should be aware of and educate without having to shout or hit, even if it is a difficult child. On the other hand, it is also worth noting that, although the child does not yet share his things, your baby will always have stronger mental health.

5. 3 Years: Learn, Share and Be More and More Autonomous

It is at the age of 3 that the period of early childhood ends, and your child can play and share toys with other children. At this age, the brain is practically developed even though there is still a lot of space for the development of new connections. But when a cycle ends, it is natural to open a new one. And so begins the period of second childhood where the child should be encouraged to learn and do more things on their own to improve their psychological health, self-confidence, and autonomy.
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