5 Leg Problems In Your Kids You Don’t Need To Worry About!

Last Updated on February 10, 2020

4. Knock knees

Knock knees (Genu valgum) occurs when your child’s knees are angled inward, touching each other while the legs are apart when straightened. This condition does not allow for the entire legs to touch as they are stretched out together because of the gap between the ankles.

Still, “knock knees” is a condition that is suffered by many children and it goes away as the baby starts growing up.

If, however, your child’s knees do not show any sign of straightening out, you must seek a doctor for a solution, which may involve surgery to stop the growth on the bent side of the knee and correct the leg shape.

If your child’s condition doesn’t improve on its own or you don’t correct it, it may turn into a permanent deformity. Do not hesitate to seek a professional, regardless.


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