9 Dangerous Symptoms Of Child Sickness You Shouldn’t Ignore

Last Updated on October 31, 2020

8. Persistent ear pain

We all know not to give small objects to children. Apart from the risk of putting those small objects in their mouths and fatally choking, they also like to stick them in weird places. Such as in the ears. You’d be surprised by the number of toddlers that enter the emergency room every year complaining about persistent ear pain, only for the doctor to discover a small part of a toy lodged in their ear canal. In some cases, the lodged object may cause irreversible hearing damage.

9. Learning difficulties

Having learning difficulties does not necessarily mean that your kid has a learning disability. But you should definitely keep an eye on that possibility because the sooner a learning disorder is detected, the better. Parents need to be prepared and take the necessary action to help their children. Common signs of learning disorder include poor memory, trouble reading and pronouncing words, poor attention span, difficulty following directions and learning routines, trouble learning simple math concepts, and many others. Dyslexia is probably the most common learning disorder, and specific signs of this condition include reading difficulties, difficulty learning a new language, expressing thoughts and ideas, and telling left from right, among others. Pay attention to developmental milestones, and if you suspect your kid has a learning disability, talk to a pediatrician about your concerns.
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