9 Dangerous Symptoms Of Child Sickness You Shouldn’t Ignore

Last Updated on October 31, 2020

3. A spreading or painful rash

Two types of rashes require immediate medical attention: those that spread and worsen over time, and those that cause pain. The latter can be a symptom of chickenpox or shingles.

4. Excessive thirst

If you notice that your kid started drinking an abnormal amount of water every day, you should be worried. Especially if he frequently wakes up in the middle of the night to drink water or urinate. These are signs of diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that is becoming increasingly common among children. It is important to diagnose it as early as possible so you can start managing it before it becomes dangerously out of control.

5. Persistent or bloody diarrhea

As long as it doesn’t cause dehydration, you usually have nothing to worry about when your kid has diarrhea. It’s probably just a consequence of a mild infection caused by food poisoning. However, if the diarrhea is persistent, contains blood, or if it is accompanied by other severe symptoms, you need to contact your doctor. It is also a good idea to take a few pictures of the stools to make the diagnosis easier.

6. Lack of interest, apathy, and fatigue

Happy and healthy kids are active and like to engage in social activities. If your child is suddenly feeling down, not sleeping well, exhibiting behavior problems, and doesn’t want to go to school (for example), it might be because their mental health is suffering. This aspect is as important as physical health, so you need to address it immediately. Start by having a serious conversation to try to understand the origin of the problem he is facing. If your attempts ultimately fail, you should consider exposing that problem to the pediatrician and asking them for advice on how to act and improve your child’s psychological health.

7. Audible wheezing

“Wheezing” is the term used to describe the whistling sound that some people make when breathing (mainly when exhaling). If your child is wheezing and you can hear it, take them to the emergency room right away. It is either caused by asthma – in which case it should be properly diagnosed – or by a viral chest infection. These infections cause swelling and mucus to build up in the airways and may become very serious if left untreated.


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