What to Do When Your Child is Lying to You?

Last Updated on December 9, 2019

#2 – Display appropriate consequences

Children who tell lies need to understand that it’s unacceptable. Parents can use natural and logical consequences to teach their kids about the effects of telling lies and that it’s always better to choose honesty.

Natural consequences mean allowing the naturally following events to occur after a kid lies about completing a task. There are always natural consequences that follow an undone task and letting your child witness the whole process of it can help them understand the price they have to pay for lying.

As for logical consequences, they consist of making the child responsible for what they’ve done as well as spend time fixing what their lie caused. For example, if your child lies about loading the dishes, the parents should have him/her set the table for a week or eat on paper towel because there are no clean dishes.

Kids eventually learn to be responsible for their actions and prefer honesty over lies.



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