What to Do When Your Child is Lying to You?

Last Updated on December 9, 2019

#1 – Understand and appreciate honesty

It’s very important to reward or praise your child after choosing to tell the truth. Once your kid is being honest, tell him/her how glad and proud you are to hear the truth.

This makes the child understand that you won’t get angry if they own up to doing something wrong, which will encourage them to be honest.

Generally, kids don’t lie chronically for no reason, there’s always a reason and with the parents’ appropriate attitude to deal with the lying, the kids quit the bad habit soon enough and turn out just fine.

Remember, a lie only reflects that our kids are trying to solve a problem ineffectively and it’s our job to help them learn how to face their problems properly.

Why did your kid lie? And how are you handling it? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment. We’re always happy to read from you.