8 Astonishing Ways Your Baby is Actually a Little Genius!

Last Updated on April 4, 2020

6. Infants Can Grasp The Meaning Of Words

Although some experts in child development believe that very young babies don’t understand the link between looking at objects and hearing their names until they turn one year old, for example, knowing that a picture of a banana is related to the word banana.

However, according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania, babies aged 6 months do possess this ability, meaning that they can know the words for things long before they can speak the words.

In the study, researchers had babies aged between 6 and 9 months look at pictures of body parts and foods while their parents were giving them subtle directions, such as asking them where the eyes are. The results showed that the babies looked at the object that was named more than any other picture that was displayed, indicating that the infants understood the meaning of the words.

The takeaway for new parents is that they should talk more to their baby even though he or she doesn’t show any signs of understanding or may just stare back.


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