8 Astonishing Ways Your Baby is Actually a Little Genius!

Last Updated on April 4, 2020

5. Young toddlers are able to judge fairness

Ever wonder why kids may often say that something is not fair or that they’re not being treated fairly? To understand that, we need to go back to when they were still babies. Research from the University of Washington revealed that babies as young as 15 months old learn the meaning of fairness.

The babies who participated in the study watched videos in which crackers or milk were distributed either unequally or equally between two individuals, and babies showed more attention when the distribution was unfair. This means that infants can tell the difference and do not accept unfairness.

What’s more interesting is that the babies who were more sensitive to the violation of fairness were also most likely to value sharing, which leads us to the next proof of babies’ high level of intelligence.


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